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Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3)





Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 31.03.2021

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.09.2020

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.03.2020


Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.09.2019

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.03.2019

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.03.2019


Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.09.2018

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.06.2018


Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 31.12.2017

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.09.2017

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 31.03.2017


Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) for the quarter ended 30.09.2016

Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015