
Textile Machinery

Contamination Sorter



The new Centra +  Loptex sorter consist of following systems in one sorter :-

  1. The Acoustic System (Sonar system) The system consists of a high frequency ultrasound emitter bar generating acoustic waves, whose geometrical propagation is close to the optical geometrical propagation of straight beams. A second bar of high reliable and accurate receiving acoustic sensors is underneath. Any contamination with a structure and density, which differ from the processed fibre, reflects the acoustic waves towards a receiving sensor, which activates the corresponding solenoid valve for its removal. The acoustic system detects white PP, plastics with the same colour as the processed cotton, hidden contaminant, transparent plastic and non-transparent plastics, fluorescent and non-fluorescent plastics.
  2. The Ultraviolet System The system consists of a rectangular channel illuminated by ultraviolet tube rods. The cotton fibres are free to flow without interruption of production. A dust proof Embedded colour cameras system monitors and detects optically brightened and semi brightened contamination on both sides of the channel. These contamination have dramatically increased in cottons. They have a wide colour spectrum and are of different nature. They include a significant portion of colour PP and white PP contaminants.
  3. The Optical System The system consists of a rectangular channel illuminated by visible light tube rods. The cotton fibres are free to flow without interruption of production. A dust proof Embedded colour cameras system monitors and detects all type of coloured contamination including colour thin PP strings, light colour thin PP strings and colourless think PP strings.


For detailed information please visit www.loptex.it